Free Energy Cover-Up A Hundred-Year Deception, Advisory Book, Hudkins Publishing


Research appears to show that over the greater span of American history, a number of significant breakthroughs in energy generation and propulsion have occurred that have been systematically suppressed. For example, Nikola Tesla discovered Zero Point energy in 1902, but the government suppressed the technology. Since then, 5,000 patents on technology of this kind have been legally confiscated.

In doing this, our government has committed possibly the greatest injustice against humanity ever. If Tesla’s discovery of zero-point energy had become common knowledge back in the 1900s, and the technology had been developed and put into widespread use, we could have had virtually free, unlimited, non-polluting energy for nearly 120 years.

We have the technological ability to replace fossil fuel, internal combustion, and nuclear power generating systems with advanced, non-polluting electromagnetic and electrogravity systems. The open literature is replete with well-documented technologies that have surfaced, only to later be illegally seized or suppressed through systematic abuses of the national security state, large corporate and financial interests, or other shadowy concerns.

The work of Tesla, other scientists, backyard inventors’ interviews, and whistleblowers is a common theme in this book. The compilation of publications provides a powerful driving force for us to put pressure on our elected officials and demand that they support the development and perforation into the marketplace of clean energy devices and infrastructure – with the same vigor with which they approached the Manhattan Project or the Apollo Project. Help spread our technological knowledge awareness.