Basic, Savings and Checking Account Guidance for Teens and Young Adults Volume 1, Hudkins Publishing


This book is designed specifically for the younger generation that grew up in U.S. households with parents who did not set up good financial management lifestyles. The practical knowledge provided here is a realistic tool for understanding money management that points independent young people in the right economic direction. This targeted financial advice explains savings and checking accounts in a precise, logical sequence, emphasizing truly understanding needed financial decisions. It outlines the outcomes that could result if someone continues exercising misdirected, impulsive, or uneducated monetary choices.

This book provides a common sense, intuitive roadmap for putting together a sound financial future. Teens and Young Adults will learn how checking and savings accounts are established, maintained, and factor into financial decisions. They will understand the differences between various financial institutions and the multiple financial instruments banks and credit unions have available. They will be taught how to manage and protect their debit cards, checks, savings accounts, and ATM transactions. They will be guided down the path to live virtually debt-free and survive comfortably in a financial world where they presently have little or no experience.

If you recently left home or are about to be out on your own, there is a need for this sound, reliable, and tested financial advice on establishing and maintaining your basic banking needs. When you face the need to make sound financial savings and checking choices in the real world, this book is the tool needed for your fundamental monetary transition into adult life.