The Thirty Century War, Science Fiction Book, Hudkins Publishing


Set 300 decades into Earth’s future, toward the end of what had become a thousand-year hostile alien space warrior invasion, it was realized the planet just might be doomed. The constant alien evasions, fighting ships, and explosions just outside the planet’s atmosphere had caused grievous Earth changes. The Earth’s ozone layer, now pink, was a sure sign humanity was, if nothing else, on the verge of being extinguished.

Three planets spewing forth three races of space soldiers engaged in battle after battle in what appears to be a war of certain extermination for them all. Just how will it play itself out? This millennium-year conflict chronicles the final days of what seems to be a forever war between the human race and other aliens. It documents the final desperate space battles for a planet plunging swiftly into the abyss of total extermination. Can any commander in these destructive final days lead human or alien soldiers in celebrating victory? Only the bravest and enduring shall realize the outcome of events.

The Friendly Aliens

The Pleidians mated with Cro-Magnon humans, which resulted in the creation of the Homo Sapiens. Our main character is named Zardek. He is a tall blue alien (think of the opera singer in The Fifth Element) with gills on his neck and a head adorned with long, straight, dark blue hair. While experimenting with humans for ten thousand years, the Pleidians also protected and safeguarded their creation, known as modern humans, from various alien races bent upon their destruction.

The Hostile Aliens

They descended upon and attacked Earth from their planet Draconia. It is the home to about 2.3 billion mal-adjusted warmongers. They live for fighting. A very ghastly-looking man-creature that literally looked like a human Tyrannosaurus Rex with the green scaly skin, head of a T-Rex, and limbs of a dinosaur except for the arms, which looked human length, yet a bit more muscular.