A Second Chance of Time, Science Fiction Adventure, Hudkins Publishing
Percy Bernard is an eighty-year-old man who decides to search for his youth through the channels of his memory. Returning to a memory when he was twenty-two Percy walks around the memory, seeing old faces that have long died away, old sights that have long changed, and old feelings that have long gone to sleep. He remembered a girl at a dance he attended. A girl had told Percy that if he ever got a chance to follow the map she gave him, he’d be able to stay young forever. Believing that he was being teased Percy smiled and took the map, storing it away as a piece of war memorabilia in his foot locket.
Many years later the girl Blanch from the dance of yesteryear feels that Percy once again has taken out her map. With love, she sends her heart into the map and rearranges words into her name. She tells Percy to hurry and follow the map before it’s too late.
Gus a burglar who snuck into the house via an unlocked rear door sees Percy holding what appears to be a map. Pulling a gun on Percy, Gus yanks the map from Percy’s hand. As he does he vanishes right before Percy’s eyes. Knowing that the map likely took Gus to the place of eternal youth Percy must get there and prevent Gus from becoming young forever through the struggles of his age. He just knew if Gus managed to find the place of forever youth, he would change the world for the worse.
With the help of Blanche’s spirit, Percy finds a land of enchantment. A battle for the map ensues. What do we find, what do we see and what is the fate of our characters looking for a fountain in a land of forever?