The Mysterious Ragdoll Journey, Child's Story, Ages 3-5, Hudkins Publishing
Awinita is a pretty little rag doll handmade by Hurit, a Peruvian doll maker and craftswoman. Hurit has put Awinita on display at her booth in the Indian market near the ocean in Peru. Awinita enjoys the bustle and activity of the shoppers and tourists who visit the market.
But then, one day, Awinita is bought by one of Hurit’s customers! She is sad to say goodbye to Hurit and the Indian market, but she is excited about being bought! That is until Awinita finds herself crammed into a small, dark box and sent somewhere far away!
Where is Awinita going? When will she reach the end of her journey? And when she gets there, will she be happy?